Sports Broadcaster
Joe Vasile
Really like your flow and you have a “sportsy” delivery. You are able to easily go back and grab details of previous at bats without difficulty, smoothly weaving them in. It’s a nice, easy to hear delivery.
Dave O'Brien -
Broadcaster, Boston Red Sox and ESPN
I really liked how clean and precise your call was. You were enthusiastic, but didn't lose any clarity while you were describing any of the plays with that enthusiasm...I thought you were very impressive.
Doug Birdsong - Director of Broadcasting, Bucknell University
It was really great working with you. I think you will do great things in this business!
Steve Jones -
Broadcaster, Penn State University
Joe's energy, enthusiasm and work ethic made him stand out from his peers and helped make my decision to hire him as the Assistant General Manager that much easier.
Jeremy Aagard - General Manager, Fayetteville SwampDogs
"Success is the peace of mind in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming."
-John Wooden